Saturday, 16 June 2012

The ball ache

Sooooo, when I checked out of the lovely hospital I was presented by a whopping assortment of drugs. I could not believe my eyes when the nurse brought it out and my first thought was 'shit if I get pulled over the police they are going to charge me with intent to supply as there is no way that can be 3 weeks worth of medicine for 1 person'. To my relief, the packaging did make the amount of drugs look like more than there was but there was still enough to have 8 tablets 4 times a day for 3 weeks. If you do the math that's over 150 pills... Ugh.
I was set to go home on the third day but because I ended up being sick it was not possible for me to have the after chemo meds (mesna) orally so I had to wait 12 more hours on a drip. The hardest thing about the drip is the cannula! I just hate needles and I know it's a little plastic thing in your vein that provides a path to your heart and rest the rest of the body but it scares me. I am just very self conscious that is it there and I don't want to bend it or break it as I think I will create a scene out of Kill Bill. Maybe it's just because I associate it with needles and poor Susan (the nurse) kept missing the vein and she didn't make my fear any better.
Luckily I haven't been sick since the hospital, and I'm trying hard to keep the food down as I don't want to go back to the hospital. This does mean a lot of napping during the day and feeling shattered helps me go to sleep. The most annoying thing for myself has been the heightened sense of smell and the snobbish taste for food. Everything seems to smell like chemicals and toilet cleaner, even my £40 Pacco robane eou de toilet! I feel like I can't wear it anymore. Then the good quality food I used to really enjoy like pot noddles and tikka masala seem to taste so bland and awful. I hope that it's not permanent as I don't think I could survive on toast and milk my while life! But if I do, it could be worse, at least I'm not gonna be stuck eating Mike and Hailey's burnt spuds every day! Haha only joking guys.
I will finish this blog on an unsavoury note... I've had nausea, sensitive eyes, fatigue but the strangest one is the testicular pain. One of the drugs 'ibufsomide' is also used to treat testicular cancer as well as lymphoma and sarcoma and I think that this is chocking all my little one who are wriggling to stay alive, hence the pain. It also could be the steroids they are giving me for the nausea which is probably shrivelling my nuts but it's a small price to pay for life : ). At least there is over 15 million now banked and only one is needed to make a little Dal. But the world is not ready for that yet so will just have to wait a bit longer for that! Thank god haha.

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