Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Making the most of the good and poo days

As cheesy as it sounds, this week has been a bit of rollercoaster so far. Had a really good day on Sunday and to be fair Monday started of really well too as I felt good in myself. Although I felt really well on those days I had some poo problems. It was expected of chemo and the drugs to make me constipated but it only half worked with me... my poo ended up being so hard it felt like I was giving birth to a squirrel every time I went to the toilet. There ended up being quite a bit of blood in there too which adds to the realistic birthing of my poo but my main concern was catching an infection due to the low immune system. I got in contact with my oncology nurse who advised me to go to the hospital to get it checked out as there is a big risk of infection. I stupidly ended up going to the hospital where I after waiting 6 hours to be seen, I gave up and went home. I wasn't angry that I wasn't seen, I was really angry I wasted a good day... it was sunny, I felt good and I ended up spending it in the place which I am trying to avoid spending any extra time in. The point I want to remember is, unless I feel really sick do not go to the hospital... If I can go to the GP or deal with it myself, do not go to the hospital if you feel well and it's just a concern. Make the most of when you feel great. I am hoping to finally do some proper work soon as I actually miss working. I also want to start walking the dogs on my own as I used to find it very therapeutic and it allowed me to gather my thoughts. Unfortunately the weather is now meant to be really crap for the next few days so I will just have to leave the dog walking to Mike haha.

Today I woke up with what I can only describe a hangover from hell. My head felt as if I spent the whole day yesterday drinking my grandad's moonshine and I was paying for it big time. I've been constantly checking my temperature as this is really important after chemo as it's one of the first signs of infection. The only downside is, paracetamol lowers temperatures which in turn can mask infections so I didnt end up taking any. I've been drinking plenty of water instead and napping most of the day. Not very productive but I felt so rubbish. My temperature is low though and so far no signs of infection and im bound to feel like this as today is day 9 since chemo started and days 7-10 are meant to be the hardest. I ended up popping to the shops to stock up on some fruit to resolve my poo issue once I had the energy. I have some good advice for anyone that needs their stool softened; eat fruit which names begin with 'p' - pears, pineapples, prunes, papaya, pears etc.Avoid bananas as they seem to block you up. 
My taste has also improved, its not as snobby. I still cannot enjoy a good old bland pot noodle. I am loving strong tastes: things like tuna, spring onion, a nice steak :). It's actually making me eat healthy without forcing myself to which is a nice side effect. 

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