I've felt much much better today. Weekend has been pretty poo as I've just had a massive headache, I've been congested because of my cold and ive had no energy to do anything. But I woke up today with no major side effects, just a little blocked up nose which I can deal with so if I can see any patterns emerging I would say that looks like Mondays are good for me : ). Something else that I have noticed which hasn't been happening before... My skin on my face seems to be clogging up with dirt and blackheads and I never used to have this problem. My pores don't seem to be a fan of chemo. It just seems really weird and I'm having to moisturise it as well so it's not so dry. I've been using cocoa butter, I don't know any of this stuff, I've never moisturised before in my life haha. Also I am really happy that my tan, from the two hot weeks in May that we had, is going down as my bald head is not looking as bad anymore. Where the hair used to be on my head is basically all white and pale and then my face was quite brown, there was a clear divide so I'm glad that its all merging now. To finish my vein update, i also had a phone call from the salon and my wig has arrived so I'm going in on Wednesday to get myself aquiented with it and choose a style to get it cut to. I have to be really careful as that style will be with me for the next 8 months at least.
Also spoke to my manager today about work, I really have to praise him as he's been really supportive throughout all this and it feels like he treats me as a friend rather than an employee. It was great to sort some things out so I can get on and do some work as I really want some normality in my life and I need something to challenge me. I've lost my motivation last few weeks but the chat today has really lifted me and I feel like I want to feel useful again. It was just nice that he took an hour out just to update me on how everything is going back in the office and what the plans were for the next few months. Something small like that made me feel like I was part of the team again which I started forgetting about. Work to me is not boring, I really enjoy my job and enjoy working the people that are there. I don't want to sit at home for the next few months feeling sorry for myself and wish that things were different. I want to try to get to normality as much as I can when I can and get on with my life. I also feel very fortunate and lucky that i have an employer who is allowing me to do stress-free tasks in my own time and at home because I know that some people who do get affected by cancer and other illnesses end up having to stop working completley which in turn affects their finances and stress levels which does not impact well on their health. There are charities out there that help and Macmillan are definitely one of them so please please please if you ever walk past ANY charity collection boxes, just donate at least one coin, don't turn your head the other way. I hate to preach it but when you see where the money is going and the difference it makes, it's such an amazing thing and it doesn't cost a lot. I seriously believe that I am going to get through this without complications and this is mainly to a great support mechanism and this includes great work managers and also you lot that read the blog as you clearly care about me and are not just on here for the embarrassing pictures haha!
Next blog post... The story of my mother....
Oh Christ...the story of your mother! That'll be a long blog and people will clearly think you are making it all up!!! I will fully support you now by saying: 'EVERYTHING he says is true...she really is that crazy!'. I love your blog! Mike x